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"Most blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the fruit of your womb.
And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?"

Luke 1:42-43
I'm Molly, mother of four beautiful children, wife of Michael, and an American Council on Exercise--Certified Personal Trainer (ACE-CPT).
When I became pregnant with my first child, I developed a fascination with growth, change, and overall human well-being. My "lightbulb" moment happened when my son began eating solid foods. As I watched him eat peaches (a food that I had never eaten before!), it dawned on me that if I wanted him to continue to eat that food, I would need to set an example for him. Thus began my true journey into health, wellness, and fitness. My life became about being open to change and working hard to set a healthy example for my children, especially when it comes to daily habits like exercise and nutrition.
Like Mary travelling to Elizabeth, Mother to Mother Wellness is designed with the idea of one mother caring for another mother. I have a passion for health and wellness--but even more, I have a passion for sharing my knowledge and expertise with those who are on a similar journey. Whether you are hoping to one day have children, are pregnant with your fifth, or are many years past birth or adoption, I can work in stewardship with you to develop a healthier lifestyle, gain/regain body confidence, and instill healthy habits in the lives of your loved ones.
General Fitness
Family Wellness
Diastis Recti &
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Prenatal & Postpartum
Functional Training